Correctly treat varicose veins feet women


Pain in the legs, discomfort in calf muscles, difficulty – all of these symptoms are quite bothersome disease. Frequently occurring disease on the feet are the members of the fairer gender in adulthood. But the last time the swollen veins and blood vessels appear in the girls and in middle age. It is therefore important to have information, how to treat varicose veins the legs in women.

Why occur a vein — reasons

Often problems in the veins with the feet are hereditary in nature. In this case, the need to start preventive action as soon as possible. But frequently provokes its woe accompanying diseases, hormonal changes, unhealthy habit.

Wrong diet, excessive enthusiasm of the harmful, fatty, high-calorie food causes the levels of harmful cholesterol. And love the speed of carbohydrate provokes horses the glucose levels in the blood.

Some other causes of varicose veins of women can be noted:

  • hormonal changes that are linked to teenage and climacteric rearrangements, pregnancy;
  • work, assuming that for long periods of sitting or hours, the continuous load on the feet;
  • lack of physical exercise, inactive lifestyle, overweight.

Long-term permanent status in any position to provoke a sluggish blood circulation. To avoid these problems should be periodically do a workout, change your body position.

Important! Beautiful, but tight and uncomfortable laundry, narrow high heels can also cause education varicose.

How to recognize emergency symptoms

Many women let the first stage of the disease, write off the inconvenience of your uncomfortable shoes, fatigue, hot weather. But if varicose important thing is to not run the disease and start the timely treatment.

Signs of varicose veins women:

varicose veins in women
  • will often swell feet, feet, puffiness can affect each step separately;
  • are the shins in the evening there will be an unbearable burning sensation, the muscles would burst from the inside;
  • feet will appear in a small grid, the darker the skin is noticeable in his more difficult;
  • pigmentation, blood vessels of stars will affect the lower departments of the feet;
  • during sleep has begun to trouble cramps;
  • veins are becoming very noticeable, if the press there will be severe pain.

Also the disease is accompanied by a long healing bruises and abrasions. The skin of the shins gets tight structure, looks, can be hair in a certain area.

Physical load and continuous staying on the feet will increase the manifestation of unpleasant sensations. Referral to a doctor who can treat varicose veins should occur, there are two and more characters.

Important! Varicose veins are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a very dangerous disease. Poor patency of the veins causes the formation of blood clots. And it is always a high risk of sudden death.

Only then, did the feet may have problems veresoontega?

Varicose veins expansion can be found not only in the lower part. The problem can occur anywhere, where weakened blood vessels.

Varicose veins in the pelvic and ovarian

Varicose veins of the pelvis of a woman – this is often a kind of disease sometimes is pregnant, during adolescence and during menopause. Teenagers illness passing symptoms, can only increase the number of vaginal discharge. The disease can affect the ovaries, lips, uterus.

Mature age disease manifested pain in the lower division of the abdomen, which intensifies if the length found in an upright position. Presented the pain can groin or lower back.

varicose veins of the pelvis

Incite disease may certain hormonal drugs and contraceptives. Frequent interruptions of intercourse, a lot of childbirth, sexual dysfunction increase your risk of developing the disease.

Varicose veins of the ovaries and the pelvis usually results in clearly expressed premenstrual syndrome.

Other symptoms:

  • the vagina becomes painful and sensitive;
  • often flow;
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • the discomfort of the crotch;
  • problems urinating.

Varicose veins of the uterus

Varicose veins of the uterus have symptoms reminiscent of many gynecological diseases. So it is often assigned to the wrong treatment. Different also this trouble and varicose veins in the pelvis, although the flow of both diseases can be equally.

Pain if varicose of the uterus more intensive and long-term, often lead to incapacity. Woe be accompanied by pain during sex. The menstrual cycle is increased up to 50 days, the flow is becoming scarce.

Important! Varicose veins of the uterus practically is not presented to young people affects women of reproductive age.

The cause of this varicose veins may be frequent abortion, protracted birth, and the length of the gynecologic tract.

Varicose veins pregnant

varicose veins pregnant

Great attention should be paid to the veenilaiendidy during pregnancy. Women in the position to remain in the zone of elevated risk. Most often during this period there will be varicose veins in the groin in women, and varicose veins häbememokad. Diseases of the ven affecting every third woman.

The cause of varicose veins is poor blood outflow, especially in the last period of pregnancy. This is caused by increased pressure inside the peritoneal, increased abdominal raises per obsession de blood vessels.

Pregnancy changes the hormones in women. Increase some of the content of hormones in the body lead to stagnation of the blood in the walls of blood vessels stretched.

Venous problems disappear after the birth of the child. But if there is a genetic predisposition and other adverse factors, the disease may develop in the future.

Important! In order to avoid the development of varicose veins the best to buy packing wash and brace, and through their last trimester.

Disease consequences

Ignoring the disease can cause serious complications and many accompanying diseases. How dangerous varicose veins the legs in women? It is interesting to know that varicose veins in men is different from women, the disease of the veins.

  1. Begins with venous blood samples in the event is in the affected area. And finally, may all the gangrene and the removal of the dead tissues.
  2. Varicose veins often develops thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, starts with education-the venous ulcer.

Medical treatment

The use of medical preparations will help to improve the state of blood vessels and valves, which helps get rid of inflammation, normalizes the movement of blood and lymph circulation. All medicines determined by a doctor-phlebologist.


Integrated treatment includes tools for external use, ointments from varicose veins and tablets, which will help overcome the trouble from the inside.

All medicines varicose the are divided into the following groups:

  • phlebotonics – the purpose of which is to eliminate swelling, cramps;
  • analgesics nonsteroidal origin;
  • medications that contain aspirin;
  • tools to remove thrombosis – liquefy the blood, is a good technical means, can also be used for pregnant women.

Specifically, you can set the medicines, which contain vitamin E.

Some medications are issued in the form of gels and capsules. These medications are a lot of different activities, which greatly facilitate the treatment.

Important! Remove nodes if varicose do the impossible. To this end, it is necessary to intervene in the operations of nature.

Alternative treatments – folk remedies

Treatment of veins and diseases of the home, you can use natural gifts. Folk remedies treatment of varicose veins does not give such a rapid effect, such as medicinal products. But the treatment home recipes absolutely harmless and available.

Apple cider vinegar

The effectiveness of the treatment varicose veins the apple cider vinegar is recognized even medics. The composition of this tools is different from the high iron content, potassium, fiber, amino acids. The special value of vinegar, Apple provides a hydrochloric acid – this ingredient contain rare plants and products.

Apple cider vinegar can be taken orally. To this end, it is necessary to mix 30 ml) apple cider vinegar 5 ml of honey. The tool is accepted before breakfast and before going to bed.

Electrical usage:

  • the affected area to lubricate the vinegar two times per day;
  • compress – life-a thin cloth to soak the vinegar, add the acts veins, from above, carefully repack. Feet raised, remain in this situation for not less than 20 minutes;
  • in the bath is diluted with 550 ml of vinegar, put on feet is 5 minutes. After water procedures for limbs to slip and give them to naturally dry. Can be acetic acid, water just within the feet.

Not less effective herbal treatment.

homemade methods



  1. Ground into powder, 25 g herb wormwood.
  2. Diluted sour milk, until the state low-fat sour cream.
  3. Pour the boiling water 3 apples (better Antonovka), continue 3 hours.
  4. Prepare the puree.
  5. The bandage is impregnated with wormwood mix, make the cream for half an hour.
  6. After eating 50 g of apple sauce.

Repeat the procedure two times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days. Repeat can be after a five-day respite.


Mash 20 g of nettle, pour 170 ml boiling water. Through 55 minutes, drain the broth, divided into 3 equal portions, you should drink during the day.

Home ointment against varicose veins of

Chop the garlic, white housing (clove blue blade too sharp). 1 part garlic slurry add 2 pieces of homemade butter.

The tool should be included varikoossed pockets. After which damaged areas of the wind with parchment paper and bandages. The morning of the tool is the need to wash, immediately with warm tights.

All the methods and means of treatment for varicose veins are useless without preventive measures. Swimming, flexible, comfortable clothes and shoes, no harmful nonsense help to find the easy gait, the whole vein.